Often our mind and ego keep us from perceiving our true self. We don’t want to or cannot see it yet. Our reaction patterns and behavioural structures are stiff and crystallized. Sometimes we even – without being fully conscious of it – actively seek painful situations which are familiar to us from our childhood.
As an external, trained and experienced observer it is easier for me to perceive blockades and fears, to detect painful past experiences, to bring onto a conscious level and to eventually dissolve them.
Where the question originates, also the answer can be found – within you. We usually have a hard time finding the answer or solution by ourselves. Life Coaching enables you to discover the answer within yourself. It is not about getting rid of something but to mindfully take the next step. That means to accept our circumstances, ourselves and others in the spirit of love; to reach out to our true self and to stay in contact with it; and thus to initiate potent changes.